Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rooibos Fizzy's~ African Red Tea

Warm weather is finally upon us, and here in New England we created these fabulously, refreshing, energizing, caffeine free drinks for the whole family to ENJOY!!!!  A perfect drink for any picnic or everyday celebration!

Rooibos Fizzy's:

2 teaspoons rooibos (red bush tea)
2 cups boiling water
1 tablespoon honey
2 cups Fruit juice blend (100% fruit juice)
2 cups sparkling water

Put loose tea in a tea pot or pan and cover with boiling water.  Let steep 5-7 minutes.  Add honey and stir.  Allow tea to cool.  Combine strained tea with juice and sparkling water in a pitcher; serve cold.

Makes 1 quart


A little bit about African Red Tea:

African Red tea, or commonly refereed to as Rooibos (pronounced roy-boss) The leaves are actually green but turn red when oxidized potent antioxidant content protects the body from free radicals. The antioxidants in red bush tea are called poly-phenols. And it’s the catechins in the poly-phenols that support your overall health and boost your immune system

Some Health Benefits of Rooibos:

• Red Tea contains magnesium, which is necessary for a healthy nervous system.

• Red Tea increases the absorption of iron in the body.

• Red Tea contains potassium and copper minerals that are necessary for several metabolic functions.

• Red Tea is often prescribed for nervous tension and mild depression as it makes a relaxing sedative.

A Healthy Tea for Children:

Red Tea is excellent for hyperactive children and relieves insomnia, as it contains no caffeine.  A good source of vitamins and minerals. It can be used as a natural supplement as it contains calcium, magnesium and fluoride, which are essential for the development of strong teeth and bones. The minerals build healthy strong blood vessels, aid digestion and prevent tooth decay.
Red Tea is also an excellent thirst quencher for school children and can be drunk throughout the day.

In 1968, South African mother  fortuitously stumbled across Rooibos teas' ability to calm her baby, relieving the infant of colic and insomnia. Traditionally, given infants suffering from colic, sleeping problems or stomach cramps. Simply add some milk to the tea. (*Please note: it is NOT RECOMMENDED TO GIVE HONEY TO CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 1)

Tea for your skin:

Red Tea contains alpha hydroxyl acid and zinc for healthy, smooth skin. This wonder tea is especially useful when applied to skin irritations like itchy skin, eczema, and sunburns, diaper rash and acne.

Tea for your body:

* Rooibos contains similar amounts of polyphenols and has been shown to be anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral activity.  Rooibos contains calcium, manganese and fluoride to help build strong teeth and bones.

* People with kidney stones can drink it because there’s no oxalic acid.
Full of vitamins and minerals such as zinc, copper, calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium.

*Even more alluring, unconfirmed studies are showing that these flavinoids may be up to 50 times more effective than those found in Green tea.

(*These statements have not been evaluated by FDA and are not intended to cure, diagnose, treat, or mitigate disease.*)

 To order your Rooibos click here

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to try this refreshing drink! Thanks so much for sharing. I love rooibus, and any red tea for that matter.
